Political Violence / Terrorism Insurance

A young protester holding a placard and protesting against gender violence.


Terrorism and political violence insurance will protect you against the use of force or violence, of any person or group(s) of persons, whether acting alone or on behalf of or in connection with any organization(s), committed for political, religious, or ideological purposes including the intention to influence any government and/or to put the public in fear for such purposes and includes cover for sabotage, damage to premises, business interruption, prevention or restriction of access to premises and utilities, as well as loss of income, including rental income.

At Securita Re, we offer the widest cover in the market based on the PV 7 wording. It would be important to see how the wording has been framed to fully safeguard you. The cover includes the following:

 · “Civil War” shall mean an internecine war, or a war carried on between or among opposing citizens of the same country or nation.

· “Coup d’Etat” shall mean the sudden, violent and illegal overthrow of a sovereign government or any attempt at such overthrow.

· “Insurrection, Revolution and Rebellion” shall mean a deliberate, organized, and open resistance, by force and arms, to the laws or operations of a sovereign government, committed by its citizens or subjects and/or a rising against a sovereign government or other authority.

· “Malicious Damage” shall mean all physical loss or physical damage resulting directly from a malicious act by anyone during a disturbance of the public peace where such a malicious act is perpetrated for political reasons by known or unknown person(s).

· “Mutiny” shall mean a wilful resistance by members of legally armed or peace-keeping forces to a superior officer.

· “Riots” shall mean any act committed in the course of a disturbance of the public peace (where such disturbance is motivated by political reasons) by any person taking part together with others in such disturbance or any act of any lawfully constituted authority to suppress or minimize the consequence of such an act.

· “Strikes” shall mean any wilful act of any striker or locked-out worker in the furtherance of a strike or in resistance to a lock-out or any act of any lawfully constituted authority to suppress or minimize the consequence of such an act.

· “Sabotage” shall mean willful physical damage or destruction perpetrated for political reasons by known or unknown person(s).

· “War” shall mean a contest by force between two or more sovereign nations, carried on for any purpose, armed conflict of sovereign powers, and/or declared or undeclared and open hostilities between sovereign nations.

Product List

We provide expert assistance for the Following perils and exposures:

What makes us different

For clients operating in Complex Environments we also recommend this cover which includes: